2023 CSCO Conference
The CDSBEO was honoured to host the CSCO (Catholic School Chaplains of Ontario) Conference this past week in the heart of the Thousand Islands at the Glen House Resort in Gananoque, Ontario. The annual conference welcomes Catholic school chaplains from throughout the province to gather for spiritual renewal and professional development, to discover new best practices, and to network with colleagues.
The theme for the 2023 conference was “Reimagining Ministry,” chosen in response to the effects of the pandemic on our school communities and the Church. As those who minister to youth, school chaplains are called to revitalize our relationships, reimagine ministry and in the words of Pope Francis, “open doors and make room for everyone.”
Workshop leaders Brenda Reinkeluers, Gordie VanPutten, Sean Shallow, Sr. Francine Guilmette, and Chris Bray, guided attendees in discussions including “Education is a Matter of the Heart” and “Engaging Youth in Faith,” as well as dialogue circle activities and professional development for new chaplains.

Keynote speaker Dr. Bernardine Ketelaars explored the question “Where Have All the Young Ones Gone?” and offered insight that might help us move forward in response to this question in hope and faith. Dr. Ketelaars is Director of Lay and Pastoral Formation at St. Peter’s Seminary in London, and lecturer in mission and ministry, catechesis, and theological reflection.
The CDSBEO would like to thank the CSCO for choosing our region to host this important and invigorating event and we thank everyone who made the conference possible.