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Cornwall Area Students Recognized With Bravo Breakfast Awards

The Catholic District School Board of Eastern Ontario celebrated the final of four area Bravo Breakfast Awards on Thursday, April 12, at St. Joseph Catholic Secondary School. The event recognized students from the Cornwall area schools, including students from Williamstown, St. Andrews West, Alexandria, and Morrisburg, with the prestigious award. One student from each elementary and secondary school is chosen to receive this award annually, which acknowledges the unsung heroes within CDSBEO Catholic schools. This is the tenth year the Board has hosted the celebration.

“Bravo is a word that is often used when a performer or any person has done something very well. The word dates back to the 1700s in Italy, and it literally means “brave.” For me, this word is the perfect combination of what we are here to celebrate this morning,” began Director of Education John Cameron in his address.

“We are here to celebrate the great efforts of our students and also to acknowledge the courage and bravery that is a key part of stepping forward to make a difference for others. Students, you have been carefully selected because people in your school have noticed how you have made a difference in the lives of those around you.”

Todd Lalonde, Board Chair and Trustee for the City of Cornwall and Glengarry County, was in attendance, along with Ron Eamer, Vice-Chair and Trustee for the City of Cornwall and Glengarry County, and Karen McAllister, Trustee for Stormont County and Dundas County. Many other local government officials, dignitaries and parish priests were also in attendance.

The following students were recognized at the April 12th Bravo Breakfast:

Isabella Dugas, Bishop Macdonell Catholic School, Cornwall
Connor Scrivin, Immaculate Conception Catholic School, Cornwall
Payton Bell, Iona Academy Catholic School, Williamstown
Paige Besner, Our Lady of Good Counsel Catholic School, Ingleside
Edwain Amit, Sacred Heart Catholic School, Cornwall
Andre Sylvester, St. Andrew’s Catholic School, St. Andrew’s West
Emilie Ostler, St. Anne Catholic School, Cornwall
Cora-Leigh McLaughlin, St. Columban’s Catholic School, Cornwall
Nathaniel Gerow, St. Finnan’s Catholic School, Alexandria
Rhiannon Beckstead, St. Mary – St. Cecilia Catholic School, Morrisburg
Devyn Bray, St. Peter Catholic School, Cornwall
Keirra Poulin, Holy Trinity Catholic School (Elementary), Cornwall
Cassidy Thomson, Holy Trinity Catholic School (Secondary), Cornwall
Calvin Scoot, St. Joseph Catholic Secondary School, Cornwall
Kyle Wylie, St. Matthew Catholic Secondary School, Cornwall
Tracy Neville, Hanley Hall School of Alternative and Continuing Education, Cornwall Campus

Congratulations to all of the 2018 award recipients.

Group photo of students
Left to right back row: Connor Scrivin, Keirra Poulin, Nathaniel Gerow, Rhiannon Beckstead, Calvin Scott, Cora-Leigh McLaughlin, Tracy Neville, Andre Sylvester, Kyle Wylie, Edwain Amit
Left to right front row: Emilie Ostler, Paige Besner, Isabella Dugas, Payton Bell, Devyn Bray, Cassidy Thomson

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