
Educating and Inspiring… heart, mind, body, and soul!

CDSBEO Introduces New Spiritual Theme

The new CDSBEO Board Theme Be Holy – Joy Springs from a Loving Heart! is inspired once again by scripture; by the Saints and by the Holy Father Pope Francis. The theme, which will be implemented over the next three years, was formally presented to the Board of Trustees at the August 29th meeting.

Students from the choir at St. Joseph’s Catholic Secondary School in Cornwall began the presentation by singing a song written to accompany the theme entitled Be Holy. The song will be incorporated into celebrations, liturgies, and masses throughout the CDSBEO.

Theresa Lalonde Pankow, Principal of Religious and Family Life Education, provided an outline of the new theme, how it was inspired, and how it will be lived out throughout schools.

“We have been blessed in our board to have wonderfully engaging themes that have allowed us to access, unpack and bring to life our board’s vision: Inspired by the teachings of Jesus Christ, we transform the world with justice and peace through Catholic education,” began Mrs. Lalonde Pankow.

“Our new theme is a personal call to be inspired and transformed within our intimate relationship with Jesus, and at the same time to move outside of ourselves to acts of kindness, where we respond to the call to let Jesus inspire and transform others, through us.”

Each year of the theme will be a balance of contemplation and action. Constant reflection on God’s presence will be a focus, which will be counter balanced by recognition of the needs of others. Schools have been provided with resources to help bring the new theme to life in CDSBEO classrooms and in student life. It will also be a focus to inspire and inform social justice initiatives and acts of kindness throughout the Board.

“Three sub-themes build upon each other and each will be studied for one year,” noted Mrs. Lalonde Pankow. “In year one, we will explore scripture and experience prayer. We will develop an understanding of our personal call to holiness and through this experience a deeper relationship with our God.”

“Year two will provide an opportunity to deepen our understanding of holiness through the study of the Saints, and in year three we will apply our understanding of our call to holiness through action and devotion.”

The Board will be providing professional development days for educators, as well as implementing a new “CDSBEO Week” to help engage students in the new theme and its messages.

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