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CDSBEO Mourns the Loss of Trustee, Robin Reil

The CDSBEO is saddened to share that Robin Reil, Trustee for the City of Brockville, Town of Smiths Falls, and Leeds County, passed away on Saturday, March 20, at the age of 72 years.

Trustee Reil served on the Board of Trustees for nearly 18 years, serving as Vice-Chair for 2016-2017. After graduating from Teachers College in Ottawa in 1969, Trustee Reil was hired to his first teaching position with the Lanark, Leeds & Grenville Roman Catholic Separate School Board at Sacred Heart of Jesus in Lanark. Between 1969 and 2001, he held positions in Lanark, Perth, Westport, Brockville and Prescott as teacher, vice-principal, and principal.

Throughout his many years in education, Trustee Reil set a great example as a faith leader and dedicated Catholic educator who always held student well-being as his highest priority. “I believe in the dignity and self-worth of each individual child,” he once wrote in a letter to the Board. “The more positive the child’s self-image, the more receptive that child is to learning. The same holds true for each staff member.”

Trustee Reil was also well known as a pioneer in energy conservation and environmental awareness, and his active role in these initiatives led to many exemplary school programs and activities.

“Trustee Reil has been a champion for Catholic schools and our board for over 50 years,” said Board Chair, Todd Lalonde. “His dedication and enthusiasm as an educator and trustee is unparalleled, and we will miss his presence at the Board table immensely. Robin truly enjoyed being in our schools and was very proud of the work and accomplishments of our students and staff. He has, on many occasions, shared fond stories of his time as an educator, and I can say that we have truly lost not only a dear friend, but a strong advocate for Catholic education.”

“As a valued member of our Catholic school community, Trustee Reil’s absence will undoubtedly leave a significant void. He has been an outstanding leader, a colleague, and a friend for many, many years, and he has served this community with devotion, passion, and pride,” noted John Cameron, Director of Education.

All flags will be lowered to half-mast tomorrow in honour of Trustee Reil, who has served the Board and Catholic education for over 50 years. Please keep the Reil family in your prayers as they navigate these very difficult times.

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