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Schools Return to Remote Distance Learning Model

In response to recent trends that show a rapid increase in COVID-19 hospitalizations due to the highly transmissible Omicron variant, Ontario officials have announced a delay in the return to in-person learning for all students. The announcement means that all CDSBEO elementary and secondary students will move to a remote learning model until January 17, 2022, subject to public health trends and operational considerations.

As we prepare for students to return to a distance learning model and continue to facilitate the distribution of technology for learning, we understand that there will be a gradual reengagement of students in their online platforms in the coming days. Some families may have already received communication and instructions from their classroom teacher(s) with regard to a plan for remote learning and tomorrow, teachers and classroom support staff will follow their regular day schedule for start, lunch and dismissal times. In addition, class work will be posted for students to access through their digital platform (TEAMS/Brightspace) and teachers and support staff will be available to welcome and support students as they reorient themselves with their online learning environment.

Teachers and school staff understand that flexibility will be needed tomorrow as we pivot back to the distance learning model. Parents will receive further direction from the Board in regard to future Ministry expectations for distance learning, once more information becomes available.

If your child requires technology for distance learning, please reach out to the school directly to make arrangements.

More information will be provided to CDSBEO families as soon as possible via School Messenger.

For more on the announcement visit https://news.ontario.ca/en/release/1001394/ontario-temporarily-moving-to-modified-step-two-of-the-roadmap-to-reopen

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