
Educating and Inspiring… heart, mind, body, and soul!

  • Synod 2021-2023

Synod 2021-2023: Communion, Participation, Mission

Pope Francis initiated a synodal journey of the whole People of God, beginning in each local Church and culminating in the Assembly of the Synod of Bishops in Rome, in October 2023. The theme of this Synod is about the very nature of the Church, the specific way of living and operating as a Church together. What this really means is that there will be opportunities for gathering and listening to one another and to what the Holy Spirit may be saying to us about our Church at this time. We are hopeful that this process of listening, sharing, and discerning also contributes to the sense of communion, renewal, and missionary zeal.

A Synod, which is the process by which the Church will begin this important work, is not just a convening of Bishops reflecting on a particular topic and advising the Pope, but also a journey of discernment, in which the people of God are called to pray and reflect upon the Holy Spirit’s will for the Church.

This short video provides a more detailed explanation of the Synod: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I5lAktuejwo

The CDSBEO will be connecting schools to offer an opportunity for students and staff to engage in the Synodal process and share their thoughts and perspectives.

Each Archdiocese has created resources for families to also engage in the Synod process, and we encourage parents/guardians to provide feedback. Local archdioceses are looking for feedback which focuses on the following questions:

  • How do you experience the Church?
  • What can the Church do differently?
  • What changes would you like to see?

Please click one of the links below for more information from our local archdioceses.

On behalf of our local archdioceses, we look forward to engaging with our school communities during this process of listening and sharing!

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