
Educating and Inspiring… heart, mind, body, and soul!

Multi-Year Strategic Plan Update – Spring 2022

The Catholic District School Board of Eastern Ontario launched a new Multi-Year Strategic Plan in 2020. This plan was developed through consultation with many stakeholders to ensure that the voices of students, families, staff, parishes, and community members were celebrated and represented. The purpose of the multi-year strategic plan is to help the board set long-term strategic priorities and goals. Anchored by four tenets – believing, protecting, learning, and nurturing, the plan guides all areas of the board’s operations. CDSBEO Superintendents Brent Bovaird, Dawn Finnegan, Heather Gerber and Norma McDonald, presented an update on the strategic plan, which included many rich and inspiring examples of how the goals and guiding principles come to life each day in CDSBEO schools under the four tenets.


The tenet of believing responds to the universal human hunger to know and foster an intimate relationship with God. This tenant connects with many amazing board and school initiatives which are rooted in the Gospel, and which also support our board spiritual theme – I Belong Here: Together we are God’s good news! Superintendent McDonald discussed many examples of how CDSBEO schools are safe, welcoming, and inclusive environments where everyone knows and feels that they belong.

The tenet of learning acknowledges the board’s commitment to support all students and staff on their faith and learning journey. Schools provide many opportunities for students to explore diverse viewpoints and voices with a special emphasis on marginalized and Indigenous voices. Much awareness and understanding has been built around First Nation, Metis and Inuit history, perspectives, and culture through amazing Indigenous community partners and innovative resources. Additionally, staff help students to develop 21st century competencies through engaging and dynamic lessons. Many examples of innovative student learning through inquiry-based approaches, experiential learning opportunities, collaboration, and critical thinking skills were provided by Superintendent Bovaird.

Protecting guides initiatives which promote action around environmental stewardship and in creating safe, welcoming, and inclusive school environments. Students are engaged in activities which encourage them to act wisely and justly. Superintendent Finnegan presented many examples of initiatives which support this tenant including participation in Earth Day, World Water Day, school recycling programs, breakfast and nutrition programs, equity and anti-racism guest speakers and resources, professional development, and mental health initiatives.

Lastly, the tenet of nurturing reflects the board’s priority of creating welcoming, Christ-centered communities that foster safe, loving, and inclusive learning environments for all members of our Catholic school community. Superintendent Gerber provided an overview of some of the board’s accomplishments connected to this tenant, which include engagement with stakeholder groups such as the Parent Involvement Committee, the Special Education Advisory Committee, and the Indigenous Education Advisory Committee, providing opportunities for inquiry based learning, being responsive to student voice, engaging in many mental health initiatives, and welcoming feedback from families, community partners and other stakeholders.

The following video brings to life many highlights of the strategic plan in action:

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