
Educating and Inspiring… heart, mind, body, and soul!

National Indigenous History Month

As we enter National Indigenous History Month we reflect on and show gratitude for the teachings and support of the First Nations, Métis and Inuit community partners that guide the Catholic District School Board of Eastern Ontario in our work. We stand in solidarity with all Indigenous people as we continue to integrate Indigenous perspectives into all classrooms, and to decolonize our understanding of history and worldview.

CDSBEO National Indigenous History Month graphics.

One way the CDSBEO is recognizing and celebrating National Indigenous History Month this year is by highlighting inspiring First Nations, Métis, and Inuit trailblazers such as Mary May Simon, Tom Longboat, Elder Noel Starblanket, and Leah Marie Dorion. The CDSBEO Indigenous Education Team has also invited Primary and Junior students to research and submit a write up on someone they consider to be an Indigenous Trailblazer. The CDSBEO is excited to share some of these submissions for National Indigenous Peoples Day on June 21st and National Indigenous History Month 2023!

On top of the focus on Indigenous Trailblazers, the CDSBEO has prepared and distributed lessons on land acknowledgements to grade 7 to 12 classrooms.

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