
Educating and Inspiring… heart, mind, body, and soul!

When Faith Meets Pedagogy Conference

On October 26-28, the Catholic Curriculum Corporation (CCC)  hosted the annual When Faith Meets Pedagogy conference in Toronto, for Catholic educators from across the province. This year’s theme was Awake, Arise, Announce: The Glory of the Lord is Within and Among You, provided inspirational workshops on adult faith formation, wellness, Indigenous learning sessions, Catholic leadership, curriculum, spirituality, and climate change, to name a few, with CDSBEO Faith Animator Fr. John Whyte, Principal of Religious Education Equity and Inclusion Renée Rozon, and Superintendent Norma McDonald in attendance.

The event also included the Catholic Leadership Youth Forum, which gathered approximately 1,000 students for the day to hear keynote speakers, participate in liturgy, and interact with peers from across the province. The youth event featured keynote speaker Fr. Tony Ricard (Campus Minister, Chair of Theology – St. Augustine High School, New Orleans, Pastor, author and motivational speaker) and Devon Doucree (youth leader, song writer/composer). Students also had the opportunity to hear from L’Arche Canada, Canadian Catholic Organization for Development & Peace, and David Patterson (Dufferin-Peel Catholic School Board).

Several CDSBEO students were highlighted at the Fr. Patrick Fogarty Awards Dinner honouring honouring CEFO Catholic Student Award winners from Ontario Catholic high schools. Riley O’Brien from St. Francis Xavier Catholic High School was an award recipient in attendance who was recognised for his outstanding academic achievement, leadership, service, and character. Riley was chosen for his work on the student council, as a key organizer of the schools Terry Fox Walk, and for his participation at the Catholic Student Youth Day, where he shared his faith and learned from others across the Board. Riley also supports school masses as sound engineer, and is a wonderful person who is always respectful, courteous, and helpful.

Other CDSBEO Catholic Student Award winners who were not in attendance include: Grace Noonan (St. John CHS), Julia Cameron (St. Joseph’s CHS), Reed Huntley (St. Mary CHS), Isabella Rogers (St. Matthew CSS), and Estelle Young (St. Michael CHS).

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