
Educating and Inspiring… heart, mind, body, and soul!

CDSBEO Service Trip in the Dominican Republic Feb. 15 – 22, 2024

From February 15 through 22, a group of CDSBEO secondary students and their chaperones spent a week in the Dominican Republic for a service trip where they poured their hearts into meaningful projects to make a difference in local communities.

Throughout their time, they tutored local students in English, talked about community health to village members, mentored children through after-school programs, and spent time contributing to the community through several work projects which included painting houses. Between their service work, they got to enjoy some of the Dominican Republic’s vibrant culture, from beautiful beaches to historic sites like the Fort of San Felipe and the Dominican Amber Museum.

As the group returns home, they carry with them the memories of their service, friendships formed, and lessons learned. A big thank you to everyone who followed their journey and celebrated the impact they’ve had. Let’s keep spreading kindness and making a positive impact wherever we go!

Here’s just a small glimpse at some of their memories.

To learn more about the Dream Project and how you can help communities in the Dominican Republic, visit: dominicandream.org

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