
Educating and Inspiring… heart, mind, body, and soul!

Graffiti Artist Mique Michelle Shares Art as a Tool for Raising Awareness

The CDSBEO and Indigenous Education Team express their gratitude to Graffiti Artist Mique Michelle for collaborating on the creation of five murals with CDSBEO students this year. Mique emphasized to students that graffiti serves as a tool for raising awareness about oppression and skillfully utilizes her art to provide visibility and representation for amplifying the voices of marginalized people. She also delivered valuable insights about how murals, along with other elements of hip hop culture, have the power to challenge discriminatory narratives. Mique’s lessons also focused on the distinctions between cultural appropriation and appreciation while empowering students to become change makers.

The themes of the murals were guided by student input and featured teachings from the Haudenosaunee culture shared by Allen Smoke, CDSBEO Indigenous Student Success Mentor, and other Indigenous community partners.

Throughout the year, Mique collaborated with students from St. Joseph’s Catholic Secondary School, Cornwall (Goose and Good Mind, Power, and Peace Murals), St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic High School, Russell (Castor River[Beaver] Mural), and St. Mary Catholic School, Chesterville (Strawberry Heart and Labrador tea Murals).

A heartfelt merci beaucoup to Mique for her dedication to educating, inspiring, and imparting her gifts and strong work ethic to the students and staff of the CDSBEO. We look forward to continue learning from her in the future!

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