
Educating and Inspiring… heart, mind, body, and soul!

Mental Health Evening Virtual Sessions for Parents

Due to popular demand, we are pleased to offer encore presentations of the Mental Health sessions for parents that were offered earlier this month during Mental Health Week. These virtual sessions provide an opportunity for parents to increase their understanding of common challenges experienced when trying to support the mental health of children and youth. In addition to increasing your awareness, these sessions can start building your capacity to support your child’s independence in managing uncomfortable emotions. They can also help you to navigate your own emotions.

Parents have been sent an email via School Messenger which includes session registration links.

Navigating Childhood Anxiety Starts with Us

Rates of childhood anxiety have increased significantly in recent years. This presentation provides an introductory guide to identifying common anxiety symptoms and strategies to support your school age child (K – 12) to navigate their anxiety. The strategies are skills based. With consistency and practice, they can equip children and youth to become active agents in their anxiety management and reduce the impact anxiety has on their daily life.

Tuesday, May 21 at 6:00 pm to 7:00 pm.

Supporting Success Through Emotion Focused Coaching

Developing skills to understand and navigate our emotions contributes to more successful social interactions, increased problem-solving, and improved self-esteem. By supporting our children to develop these capacities, we are not only increasing their resilience to deal with the challenges of childhood, we are also preparing them with the foundational elements to succeed in life. This presentation on emotion coaching provides an introduction to techniques that can help you to develop your child’s emotional awareness and self-regulation while creating a positive and supportive connection.

Wednesday, May 22 at 6:00 pm to 7:00 pm.

Self-Care: The Antidote to the Stressors of Modern Life

The intensity and circumstances of the modern lifestyle are leaving many of us stressed and seeking a boost in energy and optimism.  This presentation is a reminder that we owe it to ourselves to engage in basic but important activities that can increase our resilience to help us face the competing demands we juggle.  It also challenges us to think a little more deeply about committing to the ways we might inject some joy into our lives.

Thursday, May 23, 2024 at 6:00 pm to 7:00 pm.

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