
Educating and Inspiring… heart, mind, body, and soul!

  • Labour Relations Update graphic.

    CUPE Labour Relations Update

    The Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE) has announced that their members will be on a full strike effective Friday, November 4, if an agreement is not reached by this…

  • Fred Bortolussi and Peyton Horning at award ceremony.

    CDSBEO Teacher Fred Bortolussi Wins Queen’s University Baillie Award

    Fred Bortolussi, a recently retired teacher from St. Michael’s Catholic High School in Kemptville, Ontario, has won the prestigious Baillie Award for Excellence in Secondary School Teaching for 2022. This…

  • CDSBEO Indigenous Education logo

    Truth and Reconciliation Week 2022

    September 26th to September 30th marks a week-long focus on Truth and Reconciliation here at the CDSBEO. We remember Indigenous children who were sent to residential schools never to return home. We honour Residential School Survivors, their families, communities,…

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