
Educating and Inspiring… heart, mind, body, and soul!

Indigenous Education News

  • Thumbnail for the post titled: Indigenous Peoples Atlas of Canada

    Indigenous Peoples Atlas of Canada

    Honouring the Ontario Indigenous Education Leads Conference’s theme of “Sharing the Way,” the CDSBEO Indigenous Education Team invited Chris Cook, a learning partner who supports Indigenous Education for the Upper…

  • CDSBEO Indigenous Education logo

    Truth and Reconciliation Week 2022

    September 26th to September 30th marks a week-long focus on Truth and Reconciliation here at the CDSBEO. We remember Indigenous children who were sent to residential schools never to return home. We honour Residential School Survivors, their families, communities,…

  • Orange Shirt Day Banner on the Clock Tower in Lamoureux Park

    Orange Shirt Day Banner Raised in Cornwall

    For the third year, CDSBEO has partnered with the Mohawk Council of Akwesasne and ​the City of Cornwall to recognize National Truth and Reconciliation Week and Orange Shirt Day. Representatives…

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