Board News
Information and news items from the Board.
A Distinguished Career in Catholic Education: CDSBEO Director of Education Laurie Corrigan to Retire in 2025
The Catholic District School Board of Eastern Ontario (CDSBEO) announces the retirement of its esteemed Director of Education, Laurie Corrigan, effective June 30, 2025, following three and a half years…
Educational Assistant Appreciation Day
On January 19, we celebrate Educational Assistant Appreciation Day! We are so grateful to our EA’s who provide students with support and guidance each and every day on their learning…
Board Chair Sue Wilson Appointed to the Minister’s Advisory Council on Special Education
The Catholic District School Board of Eastern Ontario is pleased to share that Board Chair Sue Wilson has been appointed to the Minister’s Advisory Council on Special Education (MACSE), for…
Upcoming Events
Disruption of Service
There are currently no service disruptions to report.