
Educating and Inspiring… heart, mind, body, and soul!

Board News

Information and news items from the Board.

  • Autism Awareness day logo.

    Autism Awareness Day

    April 2nd is World Autism Awareness Day! The CDSBEO strives to create a space where all people with autism can reach their full potential by increasing understanding, acceptance, and belonging.…

  • Thumbnail for the post titled: CDSBEO Grade 7&8 Science Fair

    CDSBEO Grade 7&8 Science Fair

    This morning at St. Michael Catholic High School in Kemptville, Grade 7 & 8 students took part in the 2023 CDSBEO Science Fair. Judges from the Curriculum Team were joined…

  • A pencil pointing at a calendar.

    Draft 2023-2024 School Year Calendar

    Members of the CDSBEO community are invited to review the proposed school year calendar for the 2023-2024 school year, which has been developed as per Ministry of Education Reg. 304.…

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