Parent’s Blog
Information parents need to know!
The Haudenosaunee Thanksgiving Address
On September 17th, Allen Smoke, CDSBEO Indigenous Student Success Mentor, taught the Central Leader’s Team about the Haudenosaunee Ohén:ton Karihwatéhkwen (Thanksgiving Address). The Ohén:ton Karihwatéhkwena is a significant expression of…
CDSBEO Students Learn Residential School History with Indigenous Peoples Atlas of Canada
In preparation for National Day for Truth and Reconciliation, the CDSBEO Indigenous Education Team has been visiting schools to teach students about the legacy of Residential Schools. Using grade specific…
World Suicide Prevention Day
Changing the Narrative on Suicide September 10th is World Suicide Prevention Day. Suicide is a major public health challenge that has far-reaching social, emotional, and economic consequences, and deeply affects…
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