CDSBEO Distributes Posters to All Schools for World Water Day

World Water Day, held on March 22 every year since 1993, celebrates water and raises awareness of the 2 billion people living without access to safe water.
This year, the CDSBEO has partnered with the Federation of Sisters of St. Joseph to distribute World Water Day posters to all schools to help awaken student reflections on water. Entitled “One River, Two Futures: Reflections on Water,” these colourful posters support student connections to water and are an ideal classroom resource for World Water Day, teaching students about water contamination and care, Indigenous water teachings, plastic pollution, social justice and more!
Download the poster here.
The Federation of Sisters of St. Joseph
The Federation of Sisters of St. Joseph consists of three Canadian congregations of faith-filled women working together to care for the earth and its waters, build relationships of justice and peace, and deepen awareness of God’s call to wholeness. In 2017, the Federation of Sisters of St. Joseph became a Blue Community to help protect water as a shared commons, sacred gift, and human right.
“A “Blue Community” adopts a water commons framework and treats water as a common good that is shared by everyone and the responsibility of all. Because water is essential for human life, it must be governed by principles that allow for reasonable use, equal distribution, and responsible treatment in order to preserve water for nature and future generations.” – The Federation of Sisters of St. Joseph (
The CDSBEO would like to thank the Federation of Sisters of St. Joseph for these engaging posters, as well as for their hard work educating and advocating for water conservation and protection.