CDSBEO Indigenous Education Day

The CDSBEO acknowledges that our board is located on the Mohawk territory of the Haudenosaunee people and the unceded traditional Algonquin territory of the Anishinaabe people.
Every year during Catholic Education Week, the board celebrates CDSBEO Indigenous Education Day. This year, the CDSBEO considers Strawberry Teachings – highlighting the berry’s importance to the Haudenosaunee and Anishinaabe people.
The Strawberry is very special because it is the leader of the berries. Known as the Heart berry, the strawberry carries Women’s Medicine, and it teaches us about love, vulnerability, and forgiveness.
All classes have been provided with Strawberry Teaching lessons and resources for CDSBEO Indigenous Education Day, with grade 3 classes planting Strawberry plants in their local school gardens.
The CDSBEO would like to acknowledge and thank all First Nation, Métis, and Inuit community partners who helped with the development of this year’s CDSBEO Indigenous Education Day theme. A special thank you Akwesasne artist, Crystal T. Henry and Kokum Marlene for providing Strawberry Teachings, artwork, and a traditional song to be shared with the CDSBEO.
A most sincere Niawen ko:wa and Chi Miigwech to our community partners for making CDSBEO Indigenous Education Day possible!