CDSBEO Raises Over $13,000 for Ukraine
During the month of March, CDSBEO Faith Animator Father John Whyte led schools in prayer for the people of Ukraine, answering the call of Pope Francis to unite in this time of conflict. These touching liturgies were live-streamed to classrooms throughout the region.
The CDSBEO Religious & Family Life Education Team encouraged schools to participate in a board-wide fundraiser for peace, calling on schools to organize fundraising activities to help those who are suffering. Fundraising in the schools took on a variety of forms, from dress-down days to wearing colours of the Ukrainian flag.

All funds raised will be distributed to those in need through CNEWA Canada (Canada Near East Welfare Association). The CNEWA is recognized and supported by the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops, and has been a lifeline for the poor throughout the Middle East, Northeast Africa, India and Eastern Europe since 1926.
We are pleased to announce that the CDSBEO Fundraiser for Ukraine has raised $13,935 to date, with donations continuing.
“It is simply amazing and wonderful to see how our school communities have come together so generously to support aid for the suffering of so many from another country. Our faith calls us to care for one another and to help create a world of peace and love. We will continually offer our prayers that Ukraine will once again have peace for its people.” – Kathleen McKenna, CDSBEO Religious & Family Life Education Team
The CDSBEO would like to thank all students and families, as well as board office and school staff for their contributions to this important campaign.
For those wishing to donate to CNEWA Canada’s efforts in Ukraine, click here.