
Educating and Inspiring… heart, mind, body, and soul!

Data Privacy Week: A Commitment to Protecting Our Students’ Privacy

Data Privacy Week is an opportunity for the CDSBEO to reaffirm our commitment to protecting the privacy of our students. In today’s digital age, the online environment offers boundless opportunities for student learning and personal growth. However, it can also present risks to their privacy. It is our duty as educators to prepare our students to understand how to manage these risks and become responsible digital citizens.

Fundamental Privacy Rights

We acknowledge that all children and youth have fundamental privacy rights. The personal information of our students is particularly sensitive and must be protected accordingly. Our role is crucial in ensuring that these rights are upheld and respected.


We commit to protecting students’ privacy by:

  • Acting in the best privacy interests of students.
  • Limiting the collection, use, and disclosure of students’ personal information to only what is necessary for our responsibilities as educators.
  • Requiring strong privacy protections when engaging third-party providers of digital education tools and services.
  • Assessing privacy risks before adopting digital education tools and services.
  • Strengthening privacy protections in digital education tools and services, including by making privacy-protective settings the default.
  • Informing students, parents, and guardians of significant privacy breaches in a timely manner and responding promptly to mitigate any negative impacts.

Additionally, the CDSBEO Digital Discipleship procedure provides guidelines for students from Kindergarten to Grade 12 regarding responsible technology use. The procedure helps students understand their online responsibilities and fosters positive digital citizenship aligned with Catholic values. To view our administrative procedure, which includes a Responsible Use of Technology Agreement for students, please visit: 1015 Digital Discipleship.

Data Privacy Week serves as a reminder of the importance of safeguarding our students’ personal information. We strive to create a safe and supportive digital environment for our students. Together, we can ensure that our students are not only able to take full advantage of the digital opportunities available to them but also are equipped to navigate the digital world with confidence and security.

For more information on our privacy practices and how we protect our students’ data, please visit Privacy and Personal Information – Catholic District School Board of Eastern Ontario – CDSBEO.

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