
Educating and Inspiring… heart, mind, body, and soul!

Holocaust Remembrance Day

On January 27, 1945, the Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp was liberated, which signified the end of the Holocaust. Each year, Canadians and individuals all over the world take this opportunity to remember the victims of the atrocities of the Holocaust and reflect on the dangers of anti-Semitism.

The CDSBEO Curriculum Team as well as the Religious & Family Life Education and Equity & Inclusion Team have been working to compile and distribute relevant and engaging resources and activities to our schools, not only to observe this important day but to instill the significance of its teachings throughout the year.

Photos of Elly Gotz and Dr. Eva Olsson.

Through these resources students are introduced to many aspects of the Holocaust and its deep impact on the Jewish population. This includes printable resources from Yad Vashem – The World Holocaust Remembrance Center and previously recorded CDSBEO virtual presentations from Elly Gotz and Dr. Eva Olsson.

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