
Educating and Inspiring… heart, mind, body, and soul!

Information on School Reopening

Based on the advice of the Chief Medical Officer of Health and the Ministry of Education, schools within the jurisdiction of the Eastern Ontario Health Unit will be reopening for in-person learning. Please note, Monday, February 1, 2021 is a scheduled professional development day for all CDSBEO schools and therefore schools will be closed to students.

Secondary Schools – Grades 9 to 12 and all Special Education Programs: Schools will reopen to students on Wednesday, February 3, 2021 with the beginning of quadmester 3 and transportation will resume. Tuesday, February 2, 2021 is a scheduled turnaround day in order to prepare for the new quadmester and therefore schools will be closed to students.

Elementary Schools and all Grade 7 & 8 Students in High Schools: Schools will reopen to students on Tuesday, February 2, 2021. Transportation will resume.

The following schools are located within the jurisdiction of the Eastern Ontario Health Unit:

  • Bishop Macdonell Catholic School, Cornwall
  • Holy Trinity Catholic Secondary School, Cornwall
  • Iona Academy Catholic School, Williamstown
  • Mother Teresa Catholic School, Russell
  • Our Lady of Good Counsel Catholic School, Ingleside
  • Pope John Paul II Catholic School, Hammond
  • Sacred Heart Catholic School, Cornwall
  • St. Andrew’s Catholic School, St. Andrews West
  • St. Anne Catholic School, Cornwall
  • St. Finnan’s Catholic School, Alexandria
  • St. Francis Xavier Catholic High School, Hammond
  • St. Joseph Catholic Secondary School, Cornwall
  • St. Jude Catholic School, Vankleek Hill
  • St. Mary Catholic School, Chesterville
  • St. Mary-St. Cecilia Catholic School, Morrisburg
  • St. Matthew Catholic Secondary School, Cornwall
  • St. Patrick Catholic School, Rockland
  • St. Peter Catholic School, Cornwall
  • St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic High School, Russell

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