
Educating and Inspiring… heart, mind, body, and soul!

Lenten Almsgiving Project at Our Lady of Good Counsel

Students at Our Lady of Good Counsel School participated in a Lenten Almsgiving project with proceeds going to the Ryan’s Well Foundation. Each week during lent, students were asked to bring in a specific coin, starting with a nickel and ending with a toonie on the last week. Together, the school raised a total of $1035.85 for Ryan’s Well. Students then had the opportunity to spend an afternoon with Ryan. Listening to him speak about his story and his foundation, the students were inspired by Ryan, and how he persevered to achieve his goal. Students learned that no matter how old you are, you can create positive change.

The school chose Ryan’s Well Foundation as it was the school principal, Nancy Prest, who taught Ryan in grade 1 and informed him that clean water was not accessible to all children. This inspired Ryan to take on the task of raising money to build a well in Africa.

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