
Educating and Inspiring… heart, mind, body, and soul!

Ministry of Education Update – Remote Learning Extended for Elementary Students

On January 7, 2021, as result of worsening trends in key public health indicators, the Ontario government announced an extension to remote learning for elementary students. The announcement means that all CDSBEO elementary students will continue with remote learning until Friday, January 22. This means that all students in elementary and secondary will return to in-person learning on Monday, January 25, 2021.

Student transportation services will resume on January 25th, when schools reopen for in-class instruction.

Public health data shows that the transmission of COVID-19 in schools has remained low, and schools remain a place for students to learn safely. However, given the rapidly escalating COVID-19 situation, public health officials are taking action now to contribute to provincewide efforts in stopping further spread of COVID-19.

If your child is experiencing difficulty connecting to their classroom teacher’s Microsoft Teams/Brightspace platform, please reach out to your school principal for assistance.

Supports for Students and Families

Remote learning resources available for students include TVO Learn and TFO IDÉLLO, apprendre à la maison. Secondary students can continue to access TVO’s Independent Learning Centre (ILC) Open House and Portes ouvertes pour les cours TVO ILC in French-language.

A list of mental health supports and resources can be found on our website at: www.cdsbeo.on.ca/students-parents/novel-coronavirus/

Financial support is available for families during this temporary remote learning period through the Support for Learners program. Starting on January 11, 2021, an expanded Support for Learners program is providing:

  • $200 for each child/youth up to Grade 12, and;
  • $250 for each child/youth up to age 21 with special needs.

Applications will be open until February 8, 2021. Please visit https://www.ontario.ca/page/get-support-learners for more details.

Thank you for your continued support during this challenging and uncertain time. We are encouraged by the efforts that have been made by our families to accommodate students as they engage in remote learning.

Please stay safe and healthy, and we look forward to welcoming your child back to in-person learning.

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