
Educating and Inspiring… heart, mind, body, and soul!

Celebrating National Catholic Health Care Week

Sunday, February 4 to Saturday, February 10, 2024, is National Catholic Health Care Week across Canada, recognizing the important work of Catholic health care organizations in our province and across the country. This week serves as an opportunity to showcase the invaluable role, value, and impact of Catholic health care. Nationally, Catholic health care serves over 5 million Canadians each year and employs over 88,000 people.

Why February?

National Catholic Health Care Week aligns seamlessly with The World Day of the Sick on February 11, a day established by Pope John Paul II to encourage prayers and reflections for those who are ill and for those who care for them.

Building Bridges: The Gift of Catholic Health

Under the theme “Building Bridges,” Catholic health is recognized as a transformative force of hope in the world. In the pursuit of compassionate presence, the goal is to work collaboratively to create safe and welcoming environments.

This theme encourages the nurturing of hope through individual and organizational efforts, fostering connections, belonging, healing, well-being, and purpose. In light of the challenges left by the pandemic, this week provides a meaningful opportunity to reflect on the mission of hope and share stories of collaboration with partners to foster hope and healing.

Let us join together in celebrating the courageous gift of Catholic health care and nurturing hope in our communities.

For more information, visit: National Catholic Health Care Week | Catholic Health Alliance of Canada (chac.ca)

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