Special Air Quality Statement
Environment and Climate Change Canada and the Ontario Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change have issued a Special Air Quality Statement for the Eastern Ontario region, as smoke from…
Certificates of Appreciation
At the June 20 Board Meeting, the CDSBEO honoured a number of deserving individuals through the presentation of Certificates of Appreciation to acknowledge and celebrate their outstanding achievements and notable…
Lunch & Learn Series for Parents
The Catholic District School Board of Eastern Ontario is pleased to offer parents an opportunity to increase their understanding of common challenges often experienced when trying to support the mental…
St. John Catholic High School Raises $108,000 for Annual Relay for Life Event
St. John Catholic High School in Perth held their annual Relay for Life event on Friday, June 9, raising $108,000 collectively, and far surpassing the previous school record of $73,000…
St. Andrew’s Students Win Cyber Champion Challenge
This past March, the Educational Computing Network of Ontario (ECNO) held it’s Cyber Champion Challenge, a digital awareness student media contest for students from kindergarten to grade 12. Students were…
Summer Learning Program
CDSBEO is offering a Summer Learning Program at 12 different locations across our school board, with some limited spaces currently available for current SK to Grade 6 children. Programming will…
Hackergal Hackathon
St. John Catholic High School was buzzing with excitement (and the clicking of laptop keys) on Friday, June 2nd for the closing party of the 12th annual Hackergal Hackathon. Grade…
Special Air Quality Statement
UPDATE: June 7, 2023 | 2:00pm Tomorrow, air quality within our region is forecasted to be within the moderate range (4-6). Therefore, outdoor activities, sporting events, field trips, etc. will…
Tewahnekenhá:wi (We Are Carrying Water) Walk
On June 1, 2023 the CDSBEO partnered with Indigenous Community Partners, OPG Saunders Hydro Dam, The River Institute, Mohawk Council of Akwesasne Environment Program, Native North American Travelling College, City…