CDSBEO Introduces New Spiritual Theme
The new CDSBEO Board Theme Be Holy – Joy Springs from a Loving Heart! is inspired once again by scripture; by the Saints and by the Holy Father Pope Francis. The theme,…
CDSBEO Welcomes Catholic Student Trustee Michael Fenn
The Catholic District School Board of Eastern Ontario is pleased to announce that Michael Fenn, a grade 12 student at St. Mary Catholic High School in Brockville, has been installed as the…
Certificates of Appreciation 2018
Each year, the CDSBEO honours deserving students and staff through the presentation of Certificates of Appreciation. Awarded to remarkable persons with outstanding successes, the certificates were presented to 18 students…
Exceptional Students Create Beautiful Art for Charity
Without Exception: Exceptional Art from Beautiful Minds is an exhibition of artworks created by special needs students of the Catholic District School Board of Eastern Ontario. The program was implemented by Sarah Jaynes…
Catholic Education Week 2018
Each year, the Catholic community of Ontario engages in a week-long celebration of the unique identity and distinctive contributions of Catholic education during Catholic Education Week. This year, Catholic Education…
Guatemala Service Trip 2018
The CDSBEO Board of Trustees had the privilege of hearing testimonials from Catholic secondary students who had the opportunity to participate in the Guatemala exposure trip in February. Clearly moved…
CDSBEO Celebrates Catholic Education Week
Students and staff across the Catholic District School Board of Eastern Ontario marked the beginning of Catholic Education Week through the celebration of the annual Board-wide Mass, held on Monday,…
Students Moved by Guatemala Exposure Trip Experience
The CDSBEO Board of Trustees had the privilege of hearing testimonials from Catholic secondary students who had the opportunity to participate in the Guatemala Exposure Trip in March. Clearly moved…
WWII Code Talker Levi Oakes Visits CDSBEO Educators
On Tuesday, May 1, grade 10 history teachers from secondary schools across the CDSBEO, gathered for a day of learning and authentic experiences. The group had the opportunity to hear…