Official Blessing of New Plaques for St. Luke CHS and St. James Catholic Education Centre
Board Trustees, senior administration, school principals and vice-principals, staff, and students, gathered on Wednesday, December 13, for an official blessing of the plaques at both St. Luke Catholic High School and St. James Catholic Education Centre, both located at 5 Catherine Street in Smiths Falls.
Principal Armando Lopes (St. Luke) and Principal Jennifer Lentz (St. James CEC) led the ceremonies at each school which included the blessing of the school plaques by Fr. John Whyte, CDSBEO Faith Animator, readings by students, and greetings from Trustee Christopher Cummings and Director of Education Laurie Corrigan.
The ceremony also included presentations from two St. Luke students, Jacob More and Tyson Cameron, who spoke about the impact the schools programs have had on their learning success in high school.
Students from St. Luke Catholic High School’s Hospitality Program prepared and served a special Christmas lunch for all guests in attendance which included several courses and an array of desserts created and served by students.
St. James Catholic Education Centre serves 855 adult learners through the delivery of various programs, through both online and in-person learning models. The school oversees the CDSBEO PSW Program, night school credit programs, reach-ahead programs, and the online summer school programs that serve over 1,100 students across the province. St. Luke Catholic High School delivers specialized secondary programs which support learners through cooperative education and Specialist High Skills Major programs in Construction Technology and Hospitality. St. Luke offers a supportive and engaging learning environment for students who benefit from additional supports and alternative learning environments to ensure success on their education journey.