Board of Trustees
The CDSBEO Board of Trustees is made up of seven trustees, one student trustee, and one associate student trustee. School Board Trustees are locally-elected representatives of the public, and they are the community’s advocate for public education. They are required to carry out their responsibilities in a manner that assists the Board in fulfilling its duties under the Education Act. The current Board of Trustees listed below will serve until November 30, 2026.
A Trustee’s role is to maintain a focus on student achievement and well-being and to participate in making decisions that benefit the entire district. They provide an important link between local communities and the school board, bringing the issues and concerns of their constituents to board discussions and decision making.

Christopher Cummings, Chair
City of Brockville, Town of Smiths Falls, and Leeds County
211 Brockville Street
Smiths Falls, K7A 3Z3
Phone: 613-213-4325
Email Christopher Cummings

Karen McAllister, Vice-Chair
Confirmation of Director Performance Appraisal
Dundas County and Stormont County
Box 327, 75 St. Lawrence Dr.
Ingleside, K0C 1M0
Phone: 613-299-5887
Email Karen McAllister

Jennifer Cooney
Lanark County
3193 Old Perth Road
Almonte, Ontario
K0A 1A0
Phone: 613-297-8589
Email Jennifer Cooney

Brent Laton
Grenville County and Elizabethtown-Kitley Township
Box 1445, 1005 Massie Drive
Prescott, K0E 1T0
Phone: 613-925-3313
Email Brent Laton

Donna Nielsen
City of Cornwall and Glengarry County
621 Jean Street
Cornwall, K6K 1V9
Phone: 343-585-3439
Email Donna Nielsen

Karen Torrie-Racine
City of Cornwall and Glengarry County
564 Jo-Anne Crescent
Cornwall, K6H 6Z6
Phone: 343-585-4352
Email Karen Torrie-Racine

Sue Wilson
United Counties of Prescott & Russell
6298 Duval Road
Vankleek Hill, K0B 1R0
Phone: 613-678-6237
Email Sue Wilson

Brooke Guindon
Student Trustee
St. Joseph Catholic Secondary School
1500A Cumberland St.
Cornwall, ON
K6J 5V9
Phone: 613-932-0349
Email Brooke Guindon

Junior Malunda
Associate Student Trustee
St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic High School
1211 South Russell Rd., RR#2
Russell, ON
K4R 1E5
Phone: 613-445-0810
Email Junior Malunda
Board Meeting Highlights
After each board meeting, CDSBEO Communications produces a report summarizing presentations made to Trustees, and other Board decisions. To view the Board Highlights visit: CDSBEO Board Meetings