Student/Parent Mental Health Resources
School Mental Health Ontario (SMHO)

SMHO works with Ontario school districts to support student mental health and build student resiliency. This support is provided through evidence-based leadership and coordination, resources, and implementation coaching support. Their website contains a variety of resources for families, educators, school administrators and students. To learn more about SMHO, and to view their resources, please visit:
Kids Help Phone

Kids Help Phone is Canada’s only 24/7, national support service. They offer professional counselling, information and referrals and volunteer-led, text-based support to young people in both English and French.
Whether by phone, text, mobile app or through our website, you can connect with them whenever you want, however you want.
Here are the ways you can reach out to Kids Help Phone now:
Here are some other resources you can use to find support:
- Resources Around Me
- Good2Talk – for post-secondary students in Ontario & Nova Scotia
Kids Help Phone is always there for you. No matter what you want to talk about, they are there to listen. No judgment, totally private, 24/7.
1 Call 1 Click
The initiative coordinates more than 20 organizations offering mental health and addiction care for children, youth and their families — addressing a need that families and Kids Come First Health Team partners across the region have often highlighted.
When someone connects with, the trained staff will:
- discuss what is happening and the person’s needs,
- answer questions and help to find the right information,
- provide a list of services that might be a good fit for their specific mental health and addiction needs and help select the best ones for them,
- help them connect with the mental health and addiction service(s) that are best for them and make appointments when possible.
One Stop Talk
One Stop Talk offers children and youth (aged 0-17 years) immediate access to free, virtual mental health support when and how they need them.
Clients receive:
- Counselling from registered therapists
- Access to counselling, after hours and on weekends, no appointment needed
- A plan to take with them after the session that they co-create
- Connection to services in their community, as needed

This helpline is available for Canadians to call or text for access to culturally appropriate mental health and suicide prevention support. The service is free and can be accessed 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.
Parents’ Lifelines of Eastern Ontario (PLEO)

PLEO is a non-profit family support organization for parents and caregivers whose children, up to the age of 24, are dealing with mental health and/or addiction challenges. They are staffed with parents who also have supported their own children with these challenges – they have travelled this journey. They understand the challenges and the stresses on families but they also know there is hope, recovery is possible and they know first-hand that parents and caregivers play a significant role. Children and youth with good family support have better outcomes. Families also need support to be the supporters and advocates their children’s need. No parent should feel alone. PLEO offers a telephone support line, support groups and 1-on-1 support to families in most of our schools (the telephone support line is available to all of our schools). For more information about these services, please visit:
Positive Parenting Program: Triple P

Triple P is a parenting program, but it doesn’t tell you how to be a parent. It’s more like a toolbox of ideas. You choose the strategies you need. You choose the way you want to use them. It’s all about making Triple P work for you. Because all families are different, Triple P has a range of ways to offer this positive parenting program. Choose anything from single visit consultations to public seminars; group courses to private sessions. You can even do Triple P Online, at home or wherever you like! There are a variety of topics included in this program for children from tots through teens. Such topics include Helping Kids to Cope with Disappointment, The Screen Time Dilemma and Kids in the Morning – Set Routines that Work, to name only a few. For more information about Triple P, the programming they offer, and how you can register for this free program, please visit:
Anxiety Canada: Youth

Anxiety is the most prevalent mental health concern noted amongst school staff, parents and students alike. The CDSBEO is committed to supporting students when facing anxiety-provoking situations so that they can conquer their anxiety and master new skills. Explicitly teaching anxiety-reducing techniques is embedded within the CDSBEO schools. One resource that is often used to help educate youth about anxiety, and how to overcome anxiety, is Anxiety Canada: Youth. This youth-friendly website offers students information about what anxiety is, facing their fears, coping strategies and healthy habits. There are a number of videos also available on the site that depict young people dealing with their anxiety and, eventually, overcoming it. To view this website, please visit:
Community Partners
- Open Doors for Lanark Children and Youth
- Cornwall Community Hospital
- Valoris Prescott-Russell
- Children’s Mental Health of Leeds and Grenville