
Educating and Inspiring… heart, mind, body, and soul!


  • Thumbnail for the post titled: 2024 Certificates of Appreciation

    2024 Certificates of Appreciation

    At the June 18th Board Meeting, the CDSBEO honoured a number of deserving individuals through the presentation of Certificates of Appreciation to acknowledge and celebrate their outstanding achievements and notable…

  • Thumbnail for the post titled: Message to Graduates from the Lieutenant Governor of Ontario

    Message to Graduates from the Lieutenant Governor of Ontario

    It is with great joy that I extend my warm congratulations to the graduating class of 2024! This is a time for celebration, for reflection, and for charting your hopes…

  • Thumbnail for the post titled: Special Weather Statement – Information from Public Health

    Special Weather Statement – Information from Public Health

    High temperatures are anticipated to begin on Monday, June 17, for the following regions: During high temperatures, everyone is at risk, however health risks are greater for: older adults, infants…

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