
Educating and Inspiring… heart, mind, body, and soul!


  • CDSBEO Board Chair Sue Wilson, Student Trustee Chloe Finner, Associate Student Trustee Brooke Guindon, and Director of Education Laurie Corrigan.

    Student Trustees Installed for the 2023-2024 School Year

    The Catholic District School Board of Eastern Ontario is pleased to announce that Chloe Finner, a grade 12 student at St. Michael Catholic High School, has been installed as the next…

  • Thumbnail for the post titled: Message to Families – Transportation Update

    Message to Families – Transportation Update

    Dear Parents, Guardians, and Caregivers, Thank you for your ongoing patience and understanding. We are happy to share that Student Transportation of Eastern Ontario (STEO) has confirmed school buses will…

  • Thumbnail for the post titled: The CDSBEO is Hiring!

    The CDSBEO is Hiring!

    The Catholic District School Board of Eastern Ontario is actively seeking qualified teachers, educational assistants, early childhood educators, custodial staff, secretaries and more! Why work with us? We’d love to…

Disruption of Service

There are currently no service disruptions to report.