
Educating and Inspiring… heart, mind, body, and soul!


  • Thumbnail for the post titled: National Indigenous History Month 2024

    National Indigenous History Month 2024

    CDSBEO schools celebrate National Indigenous History Month every June, by spotlighting and sharing the impactful work of Indigenous Community Partners who have and are currently enriching the learning experiences of…

  • Thumbnail for the post titled: Pride Month – June 2024

    Pride Month – June 2024

    CDSBEO is deeply committed to supporting the dignity, worth, and safety of our 2SLGBTQQIA+ students, as evidenced by our board spiritual theme “I Belong Here – Together we are God’s…

  • Thumbnail for the post titled: Letter to Families from Minister of Education, Stephen Lecce

    Letter to Families from Minister of Education, Stephen Lecce

    Please see attached letter from Stephen Lecce, Minister of Education: Letter to Families

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