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Special Air Quality Statement

UPDATE: June 7, 2023 | 2:00pm

Tomorrow, air quality within our region is forecasted to be within the moderate range (4-6). Therefore, outdoor activities, sporting events, field trips, etc. will be able to resume for tomorrow (Thursday, June 8th).

According to the health guidelines from the Eastern Ontario Health Unit and the Leeds, Grenville and Lanark District Health Unit the following considerations should be taken:  

  • For the general population: No need to modify usual outdoor activities unless symptoms such as coughing and throat irritation are experienced. 
  • For at-risk populations: Consider reducing or rescheduling strenuous activities outdoors if symptoms are experienced. 

Air quality within our schools will continue to be monitored, and existing HEPA units within our schools will continue to be used. We will also continue to monitor the situation and update you as information changes.

Know that student health and safety is a priority and we will continue to monitor the situation and adjust plans moving forward as needed.   

You can view the Ontario Air Quality Index here: Air Quality Health Index (AQHI) (airqualityontario.com)   

UPDATE: June 6, 2023 | 4:00pm

In consultation with public health and based on the Environment Canada forecast for tomorrow, the Board will once again follow an inclement weather schedule and students will remain indoors at school tomorrow, June 7, 2023.

Additionally, all outdoor events and extracurricular activities will be cancelled or postponed. Field trips that are indoors will continue, however, any planned outdoor activities that may have been part of the field trip will not take place.

We continue to monitor the air quality within our schools, school doors and windows will remain closed as much as possible, and all schools will continue to use their existing HEPA units.

Thank you once again for your understanding and patience. We will continue to provide updates to you as information becomes available.

To view the current and projected Air Quality Health Index visit: Air Quality Health Index (AQHI) (airqualityontario.com)

The Eastern Ontario Health Unit has shared important messaging that will be helpful to families:

For further information please visit:

UPDATE: June 6, 2023 | 8:30am

As a result of a dramatic change in air quality today (June 6th, 2023) compared to yesterday’s levels, we are going to follow EOHU and Leeds, Grenville and Lanark District Health Unit with respect to air quality.

Air quality levels in most areas of our school board jurisdiction are currently high risk – therefore schools will be following an inclement weather schedule where students will remain indoors today.

We are also doing our best to cancel any transportation to areas within our board. As a result, some excursions and outdoor events will be cancelled or postponed in order to keep students indoors.  

Thank you for your understanding and patience as we navigate this unusual circumstance within our region. We will provide updates to you as information becomes available.

Thank you,

Catholic District School Board of Eastern Ontario

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