St. Gregory Leads Canada in Fundraising for Jump Rope for Heart Campaign
On Friday, June 17, a representative from the Heart & Stroke Foundation was on hand at St. Gregory Catholic School in Carleton Place to thank the students, staff, and school community for their incredible fundraising efforts for the “Jump Rope for Heart” campaign. The school raised a total of $26,522, more than any other school in Canada.
Getting almost one million kids moving, the Jump Rope for Heart campaign teaches children lifesaving health information in a fun, engaging way. Students can get active, practice healthy habits, and give back while raising funds for Heart & Stroke.

During the school-wide assembly, Nan Wehbe from the Heart & Stroke Foundation accepted a cheque from principal Paula Perrault and teacher Stephanie Brownlee, as well as the school’s top fundraisers Evelyn Berger, Maverick Topolnisky, and Elliot McNabb.
The CDSBEO would like to thank St. Gregory Catholic School for their inspiring efforts to help fund critical research that’s saving lives, preventing heart disease and stroke, and supporting survivors and their families.